I have a plan...

... not to take over the world, but to give structure to my writing here (for a while, at least).
I will work through the list of what I want to make room for, and see where it takes me.
So, I'll start with AWAKEN

As I write this, it's still the deepest black outside (despite the clock showing it's already 7.30am), but the birds are starting to chatter and chirp, so the light of day must be appearing somewhere on the horizon. It really is one of my favourite sounds, and I give thanks each time I hear it - thanks for the gift of hearing (denied to so many), thanks for living in rural England (I've lived in Africa and the US, but England is my soul-home), thanks for birds (such amazing creatures), thanks for the everyday miracle of simply being ALIVE.

I've awakened to this New Year incredibly slowly (this cold/flu/virus-thing has drained me dry). Each day, I think 'Today I'll have more energy...', and I get washed and dressed, and that's it - I'm done! I read a bit, journal a bit, tidy a bit and nap A LOT, and before I know it, it's bedtime...

I keep adding to my 'to-do' list, but I'm being gentle with myself - I write the thing to be done, but I have a 'started' box, an 'ongoing' box and a 'completed' box. I've 'started' quite a few things as energy permits, and things like 'tidy desk' are ongoing, so I feel I'm making progress, little by little. 

That's the thing with low energy reserves - you just make the steps smaller, so you feel like you're making some kind of progress. It's all mind-games, but hey, if it works, don't knock it! 

We never arrive in this lifetime, but always return and awaken...
again and again.
Christine Valters Paintner, PhD 

And in the spirit of 'awakening' again and again, I've signed up for this. I love Satya's courses, and her gentle, thoughtful approach. As she says,

I know when I’m not ‘awake’. I drift through my days without stopping to think about what I’m doing or why I’m doing it. I flit from one task to another like a restless butterfly. 

So much of being 'awake' is being aware and alive. It's too easy to sleep-walk through our days - despite being busy and active. Notice I started this post with my 'to-do' list. It's actually easier to DO than to BE. It's easier to live on the surface of Life by being busy, than it is to be awake and aware of WHY we're doing what we're doing. 

It's been said many times, we are human BEings not human DOings, but we define ourselves so often by the jobs we do. But as I slowly move through the days of 2018, I want to spend my days AWAKE to myself and the life I am living.

What I love about my new Breathe planner, which I mentioned here, is the open plan pages and the space for weekly reflection. It's helping me consider what I'm doing and why...
It's a simple tool, but it helps. 
Do you have anything that helps you live in a more awake, considered way? Do share in the comments below 😊

Sharing with Becca on Nurturing Thursday.


Johanna said…
So much food for thought! I'm guilt of doing, not being - but I've been trying to take a step back recently and question the things I say yes to, am learning to say no a little bit more - and make some valued time for myself.
Wishing you well, and hope your energy reserves come back to you soon, it's a hard time of year without a virus sapping the energy away as well.
Lots of Love xxx
Marcheline said…
Two years ago, my mom gave me a little book called "Q&A a day - 365 Questions - 5 Years - 1,825 Answers". Basically, there's a page for each day of the year, and one thoughtful question on each page. There are five areas on each page to write answers, so you can go through the entire book for five years, then look back at how your answers to the questions have changed over the years. It's pretty ingenious, because it does make you stop and take notice, slow down and think, but the questions rarely take more than one sentence to answer. Sometimes, I will admit to not keeping up with it for a few days at a time, and then going back and filling in the answers afterward, but mostly I do it every morning with my cup of coffee. The company shown on the binding is "POTTER STYLE" (that may be the two last names of the creators?).
sarah said…
Such interesting thoughts. I too am always saying life is about being, not doing... although as I get older I begin to refine that somewhat, as I wonder if maybe it's important to do the things that weave bindings between us, healing wounds, encouraging souls, making life better for everyone, sanctifying and protecting the world for those who come after us. I guess its a more catholic kind of viewpoint ;-) As for being awake ... again I'm a bit rebellious, because I do feel the importance of being more mindful, aware, within oneself, but I also cherish sleep - not just for the physical rest, but the cycle of taking in and letting go, thinking and subconsciously absorbing, doing and undoing, being and unbeing.
Unknown said…
Dear Claire, I try to comment early on, but in no way the site accepted my comment. Congrats to your new blog. Slow is good, don't worry, there is time for everything. Our posts today go well with each other. :)
Lynn Holland said…
I'm guilty of floating through the days, no routine. But my words for 2018 are GENTLY & SLOWLY.
I am slowly awakening like the snowdrops in the garden.
Best wishes
Lynn x

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